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3 Common Myths People Have About Tooth Extractions

March 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 7:19 pm
Diagram highlighting how tooth extraction works

Whether you’ve been told that you need to have a tooth extracted or someone in your family is hesitant about undergoing the treatment, it’s important to stay as informed as possible. Tooth extractions are not exactly common as checkups and cleanings, which can cause many people to get the wrong idea about the process, their necessity, and other aspects of this treatment. Listen to an oral surgeon bust the most common myths about this procedure and learn why you and anybody else shouldn’t worry about a tooth extraction.

Myth #1: Tooth Extractions Hurt

People who have never had a tooth extracted assume that it is a very painful process, but the reality is oral surgeons perform a minimally invasive procedure to remove teeth. Thanks to advanced anesthetics that effectively numb the mouth, including the surrounding gum tissue, at worst you’ll only feel some light pressure as the tooth is taken out.

Furthermore, teeth are not “pulled.” Rather, they are gently rocked back and forth using a dental elevator. From there, a pair of dental forceps are used to hold the tooth and delicately take it out. Any residual discomfort that could be felt after treatment is easily managed with over-the-counter or prescription painkillers.

Myth #2: Recovery Takes a Long Time

If you’re concerned about the recovery period, have no fear. Any mild discomfort is only felt for a few days after treatment even though the socket itself takes about one to two weeks to completely heal. You’ll feel normal quickly after your procedure as long as you follow aftercare instructions provided by the surgeon, which are generally straightforward.

Myth #3: Wisdom Tooth Removal is Necessary

While dental professionals in the past may have recommended wisdom tooth removal as soon as they erupt as a precautionary measure, this is hardly the case today. Extraction is typically recommended when there’s a very high risk for future infection or there’s a current complication caused by the presence of the wisdom teeth.

However, if there are no signs of issues and your mouth is large enough to accommodate your wisdom tooth (or teeth), then removal may not be necessary.

Tooth extractions are much easier than you think, so don’t be afraid if you’re told you need one. After all, the goal is to protect your oral health and prevent future complications. For most people, their only regret when it comes to a tooth extraction is not getting it sooner!

About South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The oral surgeons at South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery are highly experienced in performing simple and complex tooth extractions, so you can rest knowing that you’re in trained and capable hands should you need a wisdom tooth (or any other tooth) removed. In the event you’re feeling anxious ahead of your procedure, sedation dentistry is available in-house to ease it. If you have more questions about tooth extractions or believe that you might need one, you can contact them through their website.

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