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4 Reasons Why a Tooth Might Need to Be Extracted Even If It Doesn’t Hurt

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 3:17 pm
Gloved hand holding up an extracted tooth

It’s easy to guess that you might need a tooth extraction when you’ve been suffering from severe oral pain. However, in some cases, your dentist or oral surgeon might recommend a tooth extraction even if you haven’t noticed anything wrong. Unfortunately, there are many oral health issues that don’t cause pain until they’ve turned into severe problems. Below are 4 reasons why you might need to have a tooth removed even if you aren’t experiencing any discomfort.

1. Severe Tooth Decay

When tooth decay goes untreated for too long, it can cause an infection of the pulp. Said infection can eventually kill the nerve inside the tooth, preventing the brain from registering any pain. Over time, the infection can eventually spread to the rest of your mouth. As such, if the tooth is beyond saving, removing it may be the best option for protecting your oral health.

2. Gum Disease

Gum disease typically starts mild and grows worse over time. It can attack the tissues holding your teeth in place, weakening them. Eventually, your teeth may come loose, and at that point, it may be too late to save them. At that point, tooth extraction might be your only remaining option. (Note that this will not put a stop to your gum disease; other treatments will be required to fully address the issue.)

3. Overly Crowded Teeth That Prevent Orthodontic Treatment

If you have a smaller-than-average jaw, your teeth might be unusually crowded together. This won’t necessarily cause any pain, but it can prevent you from straightening your smile with braces if there isn’t enough room for the teeth to make the necessary movements. For this reason, sometimes a tooth extraction is recommended before you begin orthodontic treatment.

4. Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 – long after the other teeth have already appeared. Consequently, more often than not the mouth simply does not have room to accommodate the wisdom teeth. As a result, it’s not uncommon for wisdom teeth to become trapped beneath the gumline and contribute to various oral health issues. Even if your wisdom teeth aren’t causing any discomfort yet, it’s generally best to have them removed as soon as possible if it looks like they might cause problems.

Remember: Tooth Extraction is the Last Resort

It is always preferable to save your natural teeth whenever possible. An extraction will only be recommended when there simply is no other option for protecting your oral health. Rest assured that if you do need an extraction, your oral surgeon will take whatever steps are necessary to keep you comfortable throughout the process.

About the Practice

At South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, our oral surgeons combine their skills and years of experience to bring Jupiter patients the high-quality care that they deserve. When it comes to tooth extraction, we’ll make your comfort our top priority, and we’ll make sure you’re fully aware of your replacement options. To schedule a consultation at our office, visit our website or call (561) 743-8311.

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