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3 Issues That Can Prevent You from Getting Dental Implants

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 10:23 pm
Person holding a model of dental implants.

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are in a complete tier of their own. They’re able to fully replace lost teeth in terms of appearance and functionality, and they can last for an impressive 20 or so years with proper oral hygiene. That said, not everyone is a great candidate for dental implants, and there are certain factors that might compromise your eligibility for the procedure. Here’s more about three of these issues.

1. Inadequate Jawbone Density

Part of what makes dental implants so effective and successful (they boast a 95% success rate) is their unmatched durability. Since the implant posts are surgically placed into your jawbone, the biocompatible materials they’re made of will actually fuse with your jaw! This leads to a very stable, lasting connection.

Less support for your implants means a lowered chance of them remaining stable and properly positioned, so if your jawbone density is lacking, you likely won’t be able to receive dental implants without first undergoing a dental bone graft. This procedure allows your dentist to borrow existing bone material from elsewhere so that they can fortify the sites of the future implants. Once fully healed, your jaw should be capable of fully integrating implants.

2. Poor Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene should always be a top priority, but especially if you’re considering dental implants. Their success is heavily dependent on your willingness to do things correctly concerning your oral hygiene regimen; if you can’t keep up with daily brushing and flossing, your implants will inevitably fail!

However, you also need to have adequate oral health prior to receiving dental implants. If you have underlying oral health issues such as gum disease that might affect future implants, they will need to be addressed prior to the procedure. Your dentist can give you additional instructions and recommendations for clearing up your oral health and establishing an ideal environment for your implants.

3. Smoking & Using Tobacco Products

Smoking is notorious for causing all sorts of health issues—and many of them directly affect your oral health and in turn, your dental implant eligibility. The main problem that it poses is the negative impact it has on your body’s ability to heal. If you’re regularly smoking or using tobacco while trying to heal up from dental implant surgery, the implant sites won’t heal properly! And if your implant sites cannot heal, your implants will not fully integrate. Smoking or any sort of tobacco use is strictly prohibited if you’re slated to receive dental implants!

If you’re curious about receiving dental implants to restore your smile, don’t hesitate to speak with your dentist about your eligibility. Knowing what can automatically disqualify you from the procedure can help you make any necessary adjustments so that your smile is set up for a bright future.

About the Practice

South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery proudly serves patients and families in Jupiter and the surrounding area. The practice is proud to offer a wide range of available services including dental implants. If you have any questions about your dental implant candidacy, don’t hesitate to contact the practice online or over the phone for assistance: (561) 743-8311.

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