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How Soon Can I Get Back to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 11:56 pm
Dental implant

Dental implants are considered the best form of tooth replacement modern dental science has to offer. They look and function exactly like real teeth, allowing a patient to smile confidently and enjoy any kind of food. While dental implants carry a plethora of benefits for a patient’s oral health and quality of life, many might ask how long they would have to take off work in order for them to be placed. Here’s a brief guide to recovering from dental implant surgery to give you an idea of how much downtime you can expect to need.

How Long Until I Can Go Back to Work After Getting Dental Implants?

Many patients are able to return to work the next day after dental implant surgery, and few others have to take more than a single day off. However, it’s important to remember that every case is different and complications can extend the length of a patient’s recovery. However, certain factors can have a significant impact on how long it takes to receive and recover from dental implant surgery.

What Factors Can Make Recovering from Dental Implant Surgery Take Longer?

A few common factors that can extend the duration of a patient’s recovery after getting dental implants include:

The number of implants received

Some patients only receive one or two implants during a procedure, but other patients might receive significantly more than that. Those who receive fewer implants can expect an easier recovery. If you’re scheduled to receive more than two implants, it might be a great idea to schedule an extra day or two off so you can recover.

If the implants require bone grafting

Some patients do not have enough bone mass in their jaws to support dental implants. Thankfully, bone grafting treatments can reinforce these skeletal structures. A patient will need to recover from bone grafting before receiving implants, which can take several months. If a patient’s bone grafting treatment was especially complicated, they may experience a longer recovery from dental implant surgery.

Compliance with post-op instructions

After receiving dental implants, your oral surgeon will give you specific post-op instructions. Carefully adhering to these instructions is the best way to make your recovery go by as quickly and smoothly as possible. It will probably include information on how to clean your mouth to prevent infections in the surgical sites and recommend that you abstain from smoking and drinking.

Dental implants are not associated with a debilitating recovery, but it’s important that your mouth has enough time to heal after surgery. You will probably be able to return to work the next day, and complying with your post-op instructions will minimize discomfort afterward.

About the Practice

South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery provides the best dental surgical services available from three locations in Palm Beach Gardens, Loxahatchee Groves, and Jupiter, FL. Led by Drs. Paul Weinstein, Travis Thompson, Jeronimo Guzman, Christopher Chafin, and David Holland, the staff creates a warm and friendly environment that puts patients at ease. Areas of expertise include dental implants, wisdom tooth extractions, and other oral surgery services. For more information on recovering after dental implant surgery, contact the office online.

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