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How to Manage Your Diet Following Wisdom Tooth Extractions

October 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 4:01 am
A patient drinking a smoothie after her wisdom tooth extractions in Royal Palm Beach

Among all of the various dental procedures that are performed these days, wisdom tooth extractions are among the most common, and for many patients, it sets up a lifetime of fewer oral health issues! However, it’s your willingness to follow your aftercare guidelines that will ensure the smoothness of your recovery. One thing that poses a challenge for many patients following wisdom tooth extraction is eating and drinking without disrupting the healing process! Here’s what you need to know about how to manage your diet following wisdom tooth extractions in Royal Palm Beach.

Immediately Following Extraction

On the day of your wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll likely have a moderate amount of discomfort once you make it back home. This might make it difficult to even think about food, let alone eat it—but this can actually work to your advantage, as you’ll want to avoid solid foods at first anyway. You should stick to liquids like broths and soups, juices, and plenty of water. However, it’s crucial that you don’t use a drinking straw, as the suction can disrupt the blood clots covering your surgical sites and cause painful dry sockets that also delay your healing. Also be careful not to swish liquids aggressively around your mouth as you drink, as this motion can also disrupt your blood clots.

The First Week Following Extraction

The second day after surgery, you can slowly begin to implement soft foods back into your diet. You should still continue to avoid items that are particularly hard or chewy, but you can begin to enjoy things with some substance including yogurt, pudding, Jell-O, oatmeal, heartier soups, and boiled or mashed vegetables and fruits. Be mindful of overly hot or cold items that can add to your discomfort! Also, avoid letting the food sit on the incision sites, as they will likely still be quite sensitive, and the blood clots can still be disrupted.

Beyond the One Week Mark

One week after your surgery, it should be okay to begin returning to a normal diet with solid foods, but it’s still going to depend on the healing of your surgical sites; prioritize protecting them, rather than indulging in your cravings! That said, it’s recommended that you continue to ease back into solid foods and slowly begin reintroducing things like pasta, rice, eggs, and finely cut meats.

It might seem difficult to stick with a specialized diet following wisdom tooth extractions, but by doing so, you’re giving your mouth the chance to heal quickly and without complications. If you have any other questions about what you should or shouldn’t eat following wisdom tooth extractions, don’t hesitate to speak with your dentist; given how painful a dry socket can be, simply forgoing solid food for a week is a pretty good alternative!

About the Practice

The team at South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is thrilled to serve the dental needs of the Royal Palm Beach area. The practice is proud to offer a wide range of services, including options like wisdom tooth extractions. If you have any questions about wisdom tooth extractions or would like to schedule a visit, you can contact the practice online or over the phone for assistance: (561) 440-7366.

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