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Sedation Dentistry: How Much Can You Expect It to Cost?

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 8:51 pm
Oral surgeon placing mask for nitrous oxide sedation

If you’re nervous about having any kind of oral surgery performed, sedation dentistry can sound like a very appealing option. With the right type of sedation, you can stay relaxed during your procedure while keeping your feelings of anxiety under control. However, before you agree to have sedation dentistry performed, you should be aware of how much you can expect to pay for it. Here’s a brief look at what you can expect when it comes to the cost of sedation dentistry.

What Types of Sedation Dentistry are Available?

If only a light form of sedation is needed, your oral surgeon may suggest nitrous oxide. This colorless, odorless gas can be delivered through a nasal mask, and it helps you enter a more relaxed state within just a few minutes of breathing it in. Once you stop inhaling nitrous oxide, it doesn’t take long for the effects to go away.

Particularly fearful patients or those who need a longer treatment may instead benefit from IV sedation. The sedative acts quickly since it’s administered straight to your bloodstream. Notably, with IV sedation, you may not remember much about your procedure at all. However, it does take longer for the effects to wear off completely, so you’ll likely need to spend some time resting at home after your appointment.

In some cases, general anesthesia may be necessary. While nitrous oxide sedation and IV sedation let the patient remain conscious, general anesthesia induces a sleep-like state. You will stay in said state until your treatment has been completed, ensuring that you won’t have to worry about discomfort while your mouth is being worked on.

How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost?

As you can probably guess, the different types of sedation come with different price tags. Light forms of sedation such as nitrous oxide tend to be at the more affordable end of the spectrum. Conversely, you can generally expect to pay a higher price for IV sedation and general anesthesia.

The length of the procedure also needs to be taken into account. The longer the treatment takes, the more you can expect to pay to remain sedated throughout the process. Your oral surgeon will be able to give you an estimate for sedation dentistry after considering the kind you want and the type of procedure you’re undergoing.

How Can You Make Sedation Dentistry More Affordable?

Sedation dentistry may or may not be covered by dental insurance. It largely depends on the specifics of your case; your insurance company will be more likely to offer coverage for sedation if it would be impossible to get the treatment you need without it.

Also, you can check to see if you can qualify for third-party financing via companies like CareCredit or Sunbit. After signing up for a financing plan, you’ll be able to pay for treatment in manageable monthly installments, thus breaking up the cost of your care.

Are you interested in having sedation dentistry performed during your oral surgery? Be sure to check what options are available, find out how much they’re likely to cost, and explore how you can make them as affordable as possible.

About the Practice

Here at South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we want our patients to be able to enjoy the highest level of care possible regardless of whether they need dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, or another procedure. As such, we’re proud to offer various types of sedation dentistry for your comfort. To schedule a consultation at our Jupiter practice, visit our website or call (561) 743-8311.

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