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About Wisdom Teeth Extractions

February 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — sfoms @ 5:28 pm

Though your wisdom teeth may not be causing you pain, there are several reasons wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended. Many young adults have their wisdom teeth removed as a preventative measure to avoid any future complications the wisdom teeth might cause later in life.

Common Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

At South Florida Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery we may recommend extraction of wisdom teeth for the following reasons:

  • Potential damage to other teeth – Wisdom teeth can contribute to crowding and can cause pain and bite issues.
  • Inflamed gums – Tissue around the wisdom teeth may become inflamed as they “come in,” causing pain and an increased chance of infection. This is often referred to a pericoronitis and is a very common reason to have wisdom teeth extracted.
  • Cavities – Swollen or inflamed gums can cause pockets to form between the teeth where bacteria can grow, increasing the chances of a cavity forming on the wisdom tooth or adjacent tooth.
  • Jaw damage – Cysts can form around wisdom teeth that can erode the jaw and damage nerves if left untreated.
  • Infection – Wisdom teeth due to their difficulty to clean, often contribute to mild to severe localized infections.

What to Expect on Surgery Day

The specific details of your surgery will be discussed in advance during a full consultation, but the following serves as a basic guideline.

  • Time: The surgery time typically takes 45 minutes to an hour.
  • Anesthesia: We recommend IV sedation, which can make the experience more comfortable.
  • Aftercare: Upon returning home, you may still feel drowsy from the anesthetic. It is likely that you will have some swelling and mild discomfort for the few days following the surgery.

We find that our patients have the best experience when they undergo wisdom teeth extraction while sedated. During your consultation we will discuss your anesthesia options and confirm a plan that works best for you.

To Extract or Not to Extract?

Before making the decision to have your wisdom teeth removed, you’ll meet with one of our oral surgeons to discuss any current or future problems your wisdom teeth may cause. X-rays will help determine the position of your wisdom teeth and spot future problems their positions may cause. You alone do not need to make the decision regarding whether or not your wisdom teeth should be extracted.

Next Steps?

South Florida Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery offers wisdom teeth removal to patients in the Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Loxahatchee, Lake Worth, Wellington, Stuart, and Delray Beach communities. If you have any questions about having your wisdom teeth removed or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us.

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